Why It’s Important to Release the Feeling That Someone Owes You

Adayah Asha
5 min readSep 25, 2022

Unmet expectations can cause a range of negative feelings, including anger and a sense of being deceived.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

We’ve all been there before.

You do something nice for someone, or go out of your way to help them out, and you start to feel like they owe you something in return.

Maybe they don’t explicitly say it, but you can sense it in the way they act around you. They start to take you for granted, and it starts to eat away at you.

Or we do a favor for a colleague and we want them to return the favor. Maybe we even do something nice for a stranger and we expect them to be grateful. Well, it’s time to let that feeling go.

If someone owes you anything, it’s your own peace of mind.

We put our time, energy, and heart into something only to be let down in the end. We feel used, unappreciated, and like someone owes us. Whether it’s a job, a relationship, or anything else in life, holding onto this feeling can be toxic. It can eat away at us and prevent us from moving on. So why is it so important to release the feeling that someone owes us?

I’m not saying that you should never expect anything in return for your acts of kindness.

