How To Change Your Toxic Core Beliefs

Adayah Asha
6 min readSep 29, 2022

How we treat others, how satisfied we are with ourselves, and how we see the world are all products of our fundamental beliefs.

Photo by jurien huggins on Unsplash

I was raised to believe a lot of things about myself that weren’t true.

I was told I was too sensitive, too emotional, and that I needed to toughen up if I ever wanted to be successful in life.

As a result, I developed a lot of toxic core beliefs about myself that ate away at my sanity on either a conscious or unconscious level. These core beliefs influenced every level of my being and caused me a great deal of suffering.

One of the most essential paths for true and deep healing is to go in search of your core beliefs.

This means turning inwards and illuminating the darkness.

It can be a scary process, but it’s so worth it. Developing self-love, opening our hearts to others, and experiencing the inner peace of soul-embodiment is possible when we do the work to heal our toxic core beliefs.

What are Toxic Core Beliefs?

Toxic core beliefs are the negative things we believe about ourselves on a deep, subconscious level.

